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UN/LOCODE - The complete database for MySQL

Here is the full UN/LOCODE code list. The UN_LOCODE table contains 242 countries, with major cities.
Table Structure :

iso3166_a2 locode name_wo_diac name_loc subdiv func status date iata latitude longitude
ISO 3166 Alpha 2 country ID locode name without diacritics name in locale language subdivision Function Status Date IATA code Latitude Longitude
FR ABP Amelie-les-Bains-Palalda Amélie-les-Bains-Palalda 66 - -3- - - - - RL 0212 NULL -42,28 2,4

The locode column is empty for a country.

  • 242 countries
  • 58 599 locations
  • 31 736 locations have latitude and longitude

How to use it

All the countries : select * from un_locode where locode = '' order by name_loc

(The country name start with a period. This is like that in the official file)

All the town in a country : select * from un_locode where iso3166_a2 = 'FR' and locode <> ‘’ order by name_loc

All town with an airport : select * from un_locode where iso3166_a2 = 'FR' and locode <> ‘’ and func like ‘%4%’ order by name_loc

More information

The package contains a MySQL dump and a PHP script to recreate the dump (usefull for update) => un_locode.zip (1,2Mb)

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