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List of countries to access The Weather Channel data

List of countries to access The Weather Channel / MSNBC data

This database contains all cities from all countries available at The Weather Channel

Table Structure

Unique id Name of the world region Name of the country Name of the city Name of the HTML page
2964 Europe Denmark Grimstrup DAXX0014
For USA, COUNTRY = state
10172 North America California Los Angeles USCA0638


  • 18 world regions (Asia, North america, Eastern europe, Africa, Western Europe, Caribbean, Antarctica, Australia, Europe, Central america, North Atlantic Islands, Southeast Asia, South Pacific Islands, South Atlantic Islands, Central Asia, Southern Europe, New Zealand
  • 260 Countries
  • 37819 Cities

How to use it
For french language :
One you have the PAGE data, simply go to http://fr.weather.com/weather/local/$PAGE
for example if you want to show forecast for Los Angels, California, North America, the URL is http://fr.weather.com/weather/local/USCA0638
For english, with Farenheit degrees :
Note : you can also use MSNBC Weather Data . The URL is http://www.msnbc.com/news/wea_front.asp?tab=&ta=y&inst=n&action=a&pos=&cty=$PAGE

You can download a MySQL compatible script to create the table and insert the data : meteo_mysql.zip(457Ko)

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